I was, just like anyone else, and didn't want to believe that people could be so horrible as the information that I was finding, and at the same time - watching the news sources completely disappear off the internet, and I'm fairly savvy online, and I couldn't even find these articles, stories or videos myself that were seemingly being swallowed by the internet monster. I've actually been tracking this story for years, and have been gathering insurmountable amounts of information, following paper-trails, checking facts other people bring up, and gathering insurmountable evidence of the Clinton's corruption from the beginning of 2015 or even before. It's all based on lies, manipulation, and greed.

So, don't think that your internet, and news organizations are convoluted in the attempt to bring you disinformation? They are. And, I might even be putting myself at risk for even writing this report, and the sites and information that I've strung across for the last while, since I've personally been studying these things, have been being buried almost as quickly as I come across it. They've uncovered a lot of dirt over the last so many years, but nothing as MIND-BLOWING as you'll find that this is. They get information from insider sources who cannot be revealed for safety reasons of splitting this thing open might affect the lives of the people exposing this kind of information.

and a patriotic group that monitors our government for exactly this type of information. Allen Spreen, who works for an organization just outside of Washington, D.C. How do I know this? Because, I've been collecting intelligence about this sort of thing for over a year, and studying corruption fervently along with many Americans wondering where their freedoms are going and why they are hurting so bad while living in a 'FREE' country. Worse yet, Trump, Pence or anyone else that sees clear through the plans can do almost nothing to stop her.

They are placing millions of American lives in jeopardy, everyday. And, some of us know the truth, and just the facts, that there is more truth to be uncovered. And, even though Hillary and the Clinton's have all been disappearing, her plot is still unfolding over the American people. The outcome of this election was actually planned a total of 23 years ago, and behind closed doors in a secret location. But, while some people are breathing a sigh of relief that Trump has become our next president, there is still a lot of convolution going on, and what the other 99% plus people won't know is the uncomfortable truth. Just know that there's more to the story then that, and that the treason goes even deeper then you or I could ever imagine.