
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos

Within the next five months, Dahmer claimed the lives of three more men before involuntarily taking a break.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos

Upon returning home, the Milwaukee Cannibal took photos of Smith's posed body in suggestive positions before dismembering him in the bathroom. The day after the murder, Dahmer went out and purchased a Polaroid camera.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos

Less than a week after moving into the apartment, Dahmer killed his sixth victim, Raymond Smith. Little did anyone suspect that the walls of Apartment 213 also held the sinister secrets of one of the most notorious serial killers in history. The Polaroid pictures and the crime scene photos that came out of apartment 213 at 924 North 25th Street in Milwaukee, WI, relay a grim scene of events that shook Wisconsin and placed Dahmer on the list of notorious American serial killers.At a casual glance, Jeffrey Dahmer’s $300-a-month, one-bedroom furnished apartment appeared ordinary-a beige couch, a fish tank, an Oriental rug. Dahmer's story has become fodder for several Hollywood movies and tv shows and more than a few actors have played Jeffrey Dahmer. The remains of some of his victims, like his first, were never found - the only evidence of what happened to them are the photos Dahmer took as trophies and his 60-hour confession. Forensic scientists and detectives uncovered ghastly evidence, like a drum that housed decomposing remains. Police arrested Dahmer on the spot and began searching his apartment. In his fridge, they found a severed human head. Inside Dahmer's apartment, the police discovered a box of Polaroids containing depictions of the infamous crimes Dahmer committed.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos

To the shock of the Milwaukee community and local law enforcement, they had unexpectedly stumbled upon a killer who had kept himself under the radar with a normal job. That image was shattered on July 22, 1991, when the victim he lured to his home escaped and sought help from police. Before the police found him, Jeffrey Dahmer appeared to be an ordinary man in his 30s who kept to himself.

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer crime scene photos